Original Music  

A. Contemporary Lyrical Songs

The Early Years

  1. Lonely Rider (1973)
  2. The Way I Try (1973)
  3. Fire Demon (1974)
  4. Look At My Life (1975) 

The Many Faces of Life and Love

  1. You're Gonna Want Me (1985)
  2. Time Can Only Take You (1987)
  3. Never Be The Same (1988)
  4. Take You There (1988)
  5. When Will It Be (1988)
  6. You Don't Know (1988) 
  7. I Can't Believe (1989)
  8. Don't Put Me On Hold (1989)
  9. Maybe I'll Be With You (1990)
  10. Mistaken Identity (1990)
  11. Doing It My Way (1990)
  12. The Game (1991)
  13. Without Discretion (1991)
  14. The Easy One (1991)
  15. Is Nothing Ever Going To Change? (1992) 

Learning and Introspection

  1. Nothing I Can Say (1976)
  2. Puppet (1977)
  3. Eden (1977)
  4. River of Regret (1979)
  5. Listen To Me Someone (1983)
  6. Tender Night (1983)
  7. I'm No Man Without You (1984) 
  8. Like It Was Before (1984)

A Time for Change

  1. State Of Mind (1992)
  2. The Find (1992)
  3. Tell Me (1993)
  4. Hear the Call (1994)
  5. The Father I Once Knew (1994) 
  6. Lack of Interaction (1994)
  7. The Way Things Are (1997)
  8. Change Must Come (1997)
  9. Do A Little More (1999)
  10. Journey (1999)
  11. Don't Worry About Me (2006)

B. Instrumental Compositions


  1. The Searchers (1993)

  2. Death of a Maiden (1995-1996) 

  1. Dawn
  2. Encounter
  3. Journey Home
  4. Ashes
  5. Death of a Maiden
  6. Spirit Flight

  3. Encounters (2000-2003) 

  1. On The Path
  2. Forlorn
  3. Intoxication
  4. Time With A Friend
  5. Death Of A Maiden
  6. Incursion
  7. Chaos In War
  8. Another Place
  9. Searchers
  10. Time Alone
  11. Reminisce

Additional works continue, based on original musical or lyrical ideas developed through the years. These serve as foundational elements for new songs or customized musical content for different applications. Whether a complete composition or a partial melodic idea, each represents thoughts, emotions, encounters or a search for meaning or understanding. The answers aren't all there yet and so the journey goes on --- and music is woven throughout and continues to be my way of expressing and capturing the many experiences along the way.

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